Aspek-Aspek Teologis Dan Filosofis Walimatul ‘Ursy


  • Rofiatun Azizah Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung

Kata Kunci:

Walimatul Urs, , theological and philosophical aspects of walimah


Marriage is human nature, and Islam recommends carrying out marriage because marriage is a human instinct. Therefore, apart from forming a sakinah and mawaddah family, marriage is also able to make us aware of the greatness of Allah SWT. So that we will continue to be active in worshiping Him and always use patience and gratitude in its place.

This type of research is field research, namely direct observation of the object under study in order to obtain relevant data. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This qualitative method is used for several reasons.

Walimah nikah or walimatul urs is a bridal celebration as an expression of gratitude for their marriage, by inviting relatives and the community to be happy and witness the inauguration of the marriage, so that they can participate in preserving the family they foster. So, basically walimah nikah is an announcement of marriage to the community

Pernikahan adalah fitrah manusia, dan Islam menganjurkan untuk melaksanakan pernikahan karena menikah merupakan naluri kemanusiaan. Karena itu, menikah selain untuk membentuk keluarga yang sakinah dan mawaddah, menikahpun mampu menyadarkan kita pada kebesaran-kebesaran Allah SWT. Sehingga kita akan terus giat dalam menjalankan ibadah kepadaNya serta senantiasa menggunakan sabar dan syukur pada tempatnya.




Cara Mengutip

Azizah, R. (2023). Aspek-Aspek Teologis Dan Filosofis Walimatul ‘Ursy. Jurnal Syariah Dan Hukum Islam, 2(1), 77–86. Diambil dari