
  • M. Willian Anwar Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung



Criticism of Orientalism is actually demonstrated by Western scholars as applying the principle of freedom of thought which underlies the research activities of academics in the West. With this academic freedom, ulama must deconstruct negative orientalist thoughts about Islam, even though these thoughts have crystallized into mainstream standards. The institutional development of Islamic studies in the West in the last few decades has experienced a change in orientation, adjusting its position as a medium for establishing understanding between program participants across cultural, traditional and religious boundaries. However, suspicion of Islamic study activities in the West carried out by Muslim students still exists as an effort to prevent the possibility of eroding their sense of self-confidence. Muslim communities are also found in Western European countries. In England, their number ranges from one to one and a half million. Secular life in England seems unable to eliminate the cultural properties of spirituality which were formed through the process of socialization of Islamic teachings, both through social institutions and the family. They consider Islam not only a religion that teaches guidelines for spiritual life, but also forms emotional togetherness to build solidarity and group identity. In other words, Islam has united the collective consciousness of the Muslim community in England across ethnic backgrounds, until Islam has become a component that coats their entire personality structure (Islam is at the nucleus of their personal identity).



How to Cite

Anwar, M. W. . (2023). WESTERN ACADEMIC AREA STUDIES IN ISLAMIC STUDIES. Al-Akmal: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2(4), 28–40. Retrieved from https://journal.iaidalampung.ac.id/index.php/al-akmal/article/view/123